Megérkeztek a csodaszép új ceruzáim Amerikából, az e-bayen rendeltem mert nagyságrendekkel olcsóbb mint Magyarországon a hasonló minőség! Nem akarták küldeni mert a legutóbbi szállításuk 2 hónapot vett igénybe, de én bevállaltam, lesz ami lesz és itt volt 10 nap alatt! Nagyon örülök neki!
My beautiful new prismacolor pencils has arrived.
I have ordered on e-bay from USA, unfortunately I don't noticed the sellers info that he don't want to send it to Hungary. So I hit and paid it. Than I received a mail that last time was 2 month the shipping time so he asked me to decide whether I want it or not.
I said let's try. And it is arrived in 10 days. So here they are:
I have ordered on e-bay from USA, unfortunately I don't noticed the sellers info that he don't want to send it to Hungary. So I hit and paid it. Than I received a mail that last time was 2 month the shipping time so he asked me to decide whether I want it or not.
I said let's try. And it is arrived in 10 days. So here they are: